Want your own copy of the 2023 Trinity County Fire Safe Council calendar featuring Ivan the Pack Mule? Register for a free Wildfire Safety Home Assessment provided by the Trinity County Fire Safe Council and partners.
In partnership, local volunteer fire department members or Trinity County Resource Conservation District staff will come out to complete the home assessment to provide recommendations and tips for creating defensible space, firewise landscaping, home hardening, and emergency preparedness. Applicants must reside in Trinity County, CA to qualify for a free home assessment.
Sign-up online today: https://forms.gle/c39WstmCXTgbt7VU7
Or visit the Weaverville Chamber of Commerce (515 Main St) to sign up and pick up your calendar.
Calendars and home assessments are funded through the California Fire Safe Council by CAL FIRE and the United States Forest Service.
Contact Charlie Curtin at ccurtin@tcrcd.net or 530-623-6004 for more information.

The University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources brings the Forest Stewardship Workshop to Trinity County! The workshop will be hosted online on Tuesday evenings from March 14th to May 9th, with one in-person field day on April 1st in Weaverville. Local and state-wide professionals will lead workshops covering: forest management objectives and planning; forest health, insects, and disease; forest and fire ecology, wildlife, and watersheds; fuels reduction and forest resource marketing; mapping, inventory, and silviculture; project development and permitting; and scheduling professional help in addition to cost-share opportunities.
Participants will utilize online resources on their own time to complete learning modules and short activities. Zoom meetings with all participants and presenters will take place once a week on Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm. Then on April 1st, the in-person field day will cover silviculture, forest inventory, and mapping activities. Participants who complete the workshop will be eligible for a free on-property consultation with a California Registered Professional Forester.
This program is hosted by the University of California Cooperative Extension in collaboration with the American Forest Foundation, CAL FIRE, California Association of Resource Conservation Districts, California Fire Safe Council, Forest Landowners of California, and USFS Region 5. Local presenters include staff from the Trinity County Resource Conservation District, Watershed Research and Training Center, and the Trinity River Lumber Company.
For more information or to register today at http://ucanr.edu/forestryworkshops/
For any questions, please reach out to Kim Ingram at kcingram@ucanr.edu.
Local Area Advisors (LAA)s are volunteers recommended by the Director of Emergency Services and appointed by Trinity County Board of Supervisors (BOS) and serve at the pleasure of the BOS on behalf of the Citizens of Trinity County. During wildfires, LAAs are available to assist local agencies, USFS Ranger Districts, and Incident Management Teams in providing:
• Local knowledge.
• Landscape overviews.
• Historical perspectives.
• Social dynamics.
• Political realities and ramifications.
• Economic implications.
• Local area citizen’s concerns of an incidents effect on Trinity County and population of affected communities
LAAs remain independent of the IMT and will serve to represent the citizens of affected communities.
LAAs will attend cooperators meetings to advocate and inquire for the protection of the values of Trinity County Citizens.
Trinity County Fire Safe Council is assisting Trinity County OES with the identification and nomination of interested individuals. Trinity County OES will nominate a primary and alternate LAA for each community in Trinity County. Nominees must be willing and able to participate in zoom and/or in person meetings during wildfire incidents, have local knowledge of previous fire activity within the community and past fuel break locations, have the support of local, state, or federal fire chiefs to participate in this capacity, and be able to navigate tense situations with respect for all partners. We are still accepting applications.
If you are interested in applying, please complete the application form here:

Trinity County Fire Safe Council is developing a Neighborhood Ambassador Program to identify a point of contact in local neighborhoods to coordinate workshops and workdays for Firewise and Fire Safe activities. We will identify a primary and secondary contact for each neighborhood. Neighborhood Ambassadors will complete an initial interview and orientation with the Trinity County Fire Safe Council Coordinator. Annual commitment is to attend one Trinity County Fire Safe Council Meeting and organize/co-lead one neighborhood Firewise event or workday a year. Trinity County Fire Safe Council leaders will support and contribute to development of events and workdays.
If you live within Trinity County and are interested in the Neighborhood Ambassador program, please reach out to Amelia Fleitz at afleitz@tcrcd.net. Apply at this link:

TCRCD & WRTC Community Chipper Program Guidelines and Request Form
Trinity County CWPP 2020 Update
Click Here to View the Trinity County CWPP Projects Web Mapping Application
Website: https://www.forestsandrangelands.gov/
Summary: https://www.forestsandrangelands.gov/documents/strategy/strategy/communications/NationalStrategySummary.pdf
Full Document: https://www.forestsandrangelands.gov/documents/strategy/strategy/CSPhaseIIINationalStrategyApr2014.pdf
Trinity County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) 2020 Update: Ongoing
Trinity County Code RED Community Alert System
Does Wildfire Mitigation Work? 16 Examples and Counting!
Living with Wildfire in Northwestern California
Home and landscape wildfire defense: lessons learned from the 2017 California wildfire season Webinar
The University of California has numerous publications and other sources of information that may help residents and forest landowners affected by the devastating wildfires.
After the Fire Toolkit
University of California: Recovering from Wildfire
Resources for Landowners Recovering from Wildfire (pdf).
Surviving Wildfire (book available for purchase from Amazon)