Conservation Easement Workshop in Hayfork
The Trinity County Resource Conservation District (RCD), Trinity Resource and Development Council (RC&D), and the Northcoast Regional Land Trust (NRLT) will be co-sponsoring a workshop on conservation easements this spring. Entitled “Conservation Easements: Benefits to the Private Landowner”, the workshop is slated for Saturday, April 5 in Hayfork (Hayfork Fairgrounds).
Basic information on conservation easements and their usefulness to private landowners will be provided. Presenters will describe how landowners in other areas are utilizing conservation easements to protect their working farms, forests, and ranches, as well as other lands having ecological, educational, scenic, or historic significance. This interactive workshop will be specially geared towards landowners who want to better understand the potential benefits and drawbacks of placing conservation easements on their natural resource lands.
The workshops will be a unique opportunity to have your questions about conservation easements answered. All are invited and encouraged to attend! More detailed information will be made available as the projects develop in the coming weeks. Please direct questions and comments to the Trinity County RCD (530-623-6004) or the Northcoast Regional Land Trust (707-822-2242). Pre-registration is required.
District Manager's Corner
by Pat Frost
I joined the Resource Conservation District in January 1999. So the idea of New Year’s resolutions fits in naturally with my annual assessment of our successes and shortcomings. In reviewing 2002 it was very easy for me to zero in on one important resolution for the New Year. I don’t think that we have gotten out and met with enough of you, the people that the District serves. We have many things to offer, one of which is providing speakers on a wide range of conservation topics. My 2003 New Year’s resolution is to make at least 12 presentations during the year – just one for each month of the year. But I’ll need your help!
I need you to give me a call and invite us to come speak at your meeting. Do you belong to a service club, a scout troop, homeowners’ association or a professional organization? Give us a call. I greatly enjoy speaking to groups about topics that range from the Fire Safe Council’s strategic plan for the County and my own experiences installing defensible spaces on my property to stream restoration and our restoration of the Grass Valley Creek watershed or funding opportunities for your conservation projects. Are you a teacher with a curriculum need for someone to come work with you and your students on a natural resources or science topic? The Resource Conservation District has the very capable and enthusiastic assistance of Kate Grossman and Cassie Simons, our AmeriCorps members (see their bios in the previous article of this newsletter), who are experienced in teaching all about watersheds to school children. And as a former teacher, nothing
gives me more satisfaction than time spent with students in a classroom or on a field trip. The Resource Conservation District is here to serve you, and one important way is through public outreach and education. So don’t wait. Give me a call or send me an e-mail and get us on your group’s schedule today.