Trinity River Bridges Going Up
By Staff,
Trinity River Restoration Program
Bigger's Bridge
The Trinity River Restoration Program Office, located at 1313 South Main Street in Weaverville, is charged with implementing the December 2000 Secretary of the Interior’s Record of Decision (ROD) for restoration of the Trinity River and its fishery. One key provision of the ROD is the assignment of variable dam flow releases based on the amount of inflow to Trinity Reservoir that has been received during the year. In “extremely wet” years, the ROD requires Bureau of Reclamation dam releases of up to 11,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) in order to enhance and maintain fishery habitat.
This is a considerable increase over the maximum controlled flow release of 6,000 cfs which has been the standard operating procedure for Trinity Dam over the last 20 years. Given this flow prescription, the ROD also provides for infrastructure modifications (e.g., rebuilding or fortifying bridges) necessary to allow passage of these higher flows and provide for safe human access during these periods. Four existing bridges over the Trinity River (Salt Flat, Bucktail, Poker Bar, and the Biggers Road Bridge) are all receiving special attention to address potential problems associated with the higher flows.
Salt Flat Bridge in 1997
Current studies indicate that the private bridges at Salt Flat, Poker Bar, and Biggers Road will need to be replaced. The existing County bridge at Bucktail can pass the higher flows, but work will be required to raise the approach road to the Bucktail subdivision. Alternatives and preliminary proposed actions at each bridge location are being prepared. These proposals incorporate site specific designs to reduce environmental impacts of the projects while addressing private concerns. As we proceed with planning, meetings will be held with landowners from each location to incorporate their insights into the bridge designs. Recent discussions have been held with the Salt Flat homeowners association and plans are to meet with Bigger's Road Bridge residents soon.
To the extent feasible, the new bridges will meet all Federal and County guidelines for residential structures and for development within the floodplain. Due to budgetary constraints, work will be spread out over three years. Plans are to initiate construction of the Salt Flat and Bigger's Road bridges late in 2003. Construction of the new bridges and removal of the existing structures will take about one year. Replacement of the Poker Bar Bridge and the work required at Bucktail is scheduled to begin in fall of 2004, with completion in 2005.
Example of Steel Truss
Replacement Bridge
As our bridge proposals are refined and documented, all aspects of the proposed work (and alternatives) will be described and evaluated in an environmental document which will be available in draft for public review this spring. This document will fulfill both Federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. After public comments have been incorporated, a final “Bridges” environmental document will be prepared for certification of environmental compliance and project approval by the Trinity County Board of Supervisors and the Bureau of Reclamation.
For more information about this work, please contact Ed Solbos, Implementation Branch Chief, Trinity River Restoration Program, at 623-1802.